
and soul jorney 



  • WORK

  • LIFE  


Meditation allows you to design the blueprint for your future. My guidance will encourage you, enhance your mental and physical well-being, strengthen your inner power, and support your success in your family, work, and society.


Meditation ClASses

Recommendation for meditation for beginners

Incorporating meditation into your daily routine can bring about numerous benefits:

  • Stress relief

  • Attain peace and tranquility

  • Heal distortions in the mind

  • Maintain mental and physical health

  • Rediscover a heart filled with love and kindness

  • Self-Analysis (Self-analysis is crucial for the evolution of the soul)

  • Discover your true individuality

  • Learn to live a harmonious life

  • Correct the course of your life


Recommendation for meditation for the advanced classes

Meditation is the highest act among various human activities and the most balanced method to find God/Divine. Through meditation, you can heighten your awareness of divinity.

 Incorporating and regularly practicing meditation into your daily routine can lead to profound insights.

    • True meditation entirely concentrates your attention and consciousness on God/Divine.

    • Develop sharper decision-making and judgment skills.

    • Attain a clear mind, shining like a diamond.

    • Free yourself from binding habits, ignorance, and suffering.

    • Foster forgiveness for past mistakes.

    • Learn methods to enhance self-love and transcend the ego.

    • Awaken love and kindness towards humanity.

    • Strengthen the purpose and mission of your life.

    • Realize the cosmic consciousness within yourself.

meditation ClASSES


Beginner's mEDITATION ONLINE cLASS — $10

45 minutes Every Wednesday, 7 PM.


Advanced Meditation ONLINE CLASS — $30

75 minutes First Wednesday of the Month, 7 PM.

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    It all starts by learning how to focus on what you want.


    Next, you’ll reflect on what may be blocking you, and learn how to overcome these obstacles.

  • Refine

    The last step? We learn how to continually refine what we’ve learned. Think of this as your new beginning.

  • By learning meditation and incorporating it into your life, you will become more self-aware, discover a growing love for yourself, and develop a deeper understanding and compassion for your interests and environment.